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Leave a Legacy
Leave a gift to help people with their mental health
Help our work to live on
Remembering Devon Mind in your will is a very generous, personal way to provide valuable funds which help enable us to continue our vital services, reach out to the people who need us most, and develop new services across Devon.
We are very grateful for the generosity of all our donors who help to fund our projects and help more people thrive. Help us get closer to achieving our mission of good mental health for all and remember Devon Mind in your will.
If you would like to leave a legacy to Devon Mind, you will need to give instructions to your solicitor. Contact us for more information on making a gift.
How does it work?
A legacy is a gift of money, property, or possessions left in your will. If you decide to give to a charity, all legacy gifts are currently free of inheritance tax, so everything you leave will go directly towards our work.
Making or revising a will is important and we recommend that you seek independent advice from a solicitor or bank trust company.
Generally speaking, there are three different types of legacy gifts:
Pecuniary gift: A gift of a fixed sum of money. You can protect this type of gift from inflation by linking it to the Retail Price Index.
Specific gift: A gift of a tangible item like a house, a piece of jewellery, or a vehicle. Unless stated otherwise, this can be sold on.
Residuary gift: A gift of the whole/a share of whatever remains of your estate after all other gifts are distributed and any debts paid.
Some people also choose to include details in their will of a charity to which they would like people to donate in their memory if they can.
Free will service
The national Mind association has joined with Co-op Legal Services to offer you the chance to make a simple will or joint wills with a partner for free.
There is no obligation to make a gift to Mind or Devon Mind in your free will, although we would greatly appreciate any consideration you may make to do so.
Please note: This service is organised by Co-op Legal Services and Mind (charity no. 219830). Please read the free will terms and conditions on the Mind website for more information, including how Mind processes the data you provide.
Why we need legacies
Legacies are vital to Devon Mind. Any gift, large or small, can make a huge difference to the future of the mental health support services we are able to provide to people across Devon. A legacy is a great gift to pass on to help others.
We are an independent charity which relies on the generosity of our amazing donors and fundraisers to help continue our work supporting local people with their mental health problems, and helping to facilitate their recovery.
A large proportion of our income from individuals comes from people who remember us in their will, or have donations sent to us in lieu of flowers. We are eternally grateful to everyone who chooses to make a contribution in this way.
How legacies help us
Your gift will help us work towards a world where everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect. Your legacy will help make sure no one in Devon has to face a mental health problem alone.
Donations, including gifts in wills, can help us do even more. You could change an individual’s life by making sure there’s someone they can talk to when their world is falling apart, or help them to learn valuable skills for everyday life.
Help shape the future of mental health in Devon by leaving a legacy to Devon Mind. Your gift will help us improve attitudes towards and treatment of everybody in your local community who experiences a mental health problem in the future.