An exciting new collaboration with Adult Young Carers!
We have recently formed an exciting new collaboration with local welfare organisation Adult Young Carers, as part of our ongoing work with the SPEED-You-UP project.
Adult Young Carers supports local carers aged 15 to 25 years old who care unpaid for someone (usually a family member) who is chronically ill, disabled, or mentally unwell. They currently offer support via one-to-one sessions, twice-monthly drop-in sessions, free monthly activities, and further support young people with employability and education. These young people have endless amounts of potential and transferable skills, but can often lack self-belief and positivity about their future career.
During July, we trained two members of staff to use the SPEED-You-UP (SYU) modules, tools, and resources to inspire, engage, and help the young carers they support. This collaboration aims to help young carers achieve their full potential and assist with future employment opportunities, whilst integrating further within the community.
“We are very excited to be trained to deliver the SPEED-You-UP resources. The resources are concise, clear and professional, making them easy to follow and implement. I can’t wait to see the difference the workshops can make to our young people.
A big thank you to Yasmin and Donna from Devon Mind for organising such a great opportunity for us!”
The trained coaches at Adult Young Carers are starting to deliver their SYU sessions with their young carers later this month. Reflecting on our latest partnership, SPEED-You-UP Project Coordinator Donna Whitley commented:
“Networking and collaboration for the good of supporting young people is the cornerstone of the SPEED-You-UP project and Devon Mind.
We are delighted to work more closely with Nicholle and Charlotte from Adult Young Carers. It was a feel good moment when we completed the training so that they felt more confident to use the SYU resources and website, to further support their young carers.
I am pleased to know that the legacy of the SYU project will continue through Adult Young Carers!”
Find out more about our involvement and the latest development with the Interreg SPEED-You-UP project here.